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All System Day February 2025

Catholic Education Tasmania is excited to host All System Day February 2025; a chance for teachers to upskill and learn from educational experts on high impact teaching practice and the positive outcomes it has for student learning. Please find educational resources that have been provided by the schools below, all videos from our ASD will be shared on our CANVAS learning management system.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School made the very intentional decision to join the Insight into Learning Project as a second year school, officially beginning in 2024. As a school, we were already spending 2022 and 2023 building staff capacity, trialling explicit and direct instructional approaches and programs, and seeking to find our pedagogical ‘sweet spot’. Following the ‘why’, ‘how’, ‘what’ model, our staff journeyed together to build our collective understanding of explicit instruction protocols and practices. Moving at a pace that was attainable and meaningful, we trialled specific pedagogy and programs, reflected on data and made student centred decisions throughout implementation. Our ILTP structure, led by Kieran Gill and Simon Treweek, fostered a model of continuous improvement through observation, feedback sessions and coaching.


Mount Carmel College

At Mount Carmel College, we are in the early stages of our implementation of the Science of Learning. Beginning in 2022 with the appointment of a Literacy Practice Leader, an early priority was the roll out of Literacy Programs, such as InitiaLit, Reading Tutor, Spelling Mastery and The Writing Revolution. In 2023, as a whole school, we attended the System Insight into Learning days, immersing ourselves in reading and research about how to improve student participation, engagement and learning through teaching practices underpinned by the Science of Learning. During 2024, three primary and nine secondary ILTP Educators have completed the Shaping Minds program which has been invaluable in helping teachers connect the research to practice. We are excited by our teachers’ enthusiasm, increased student engagement and growth in student confidence as they experience success and improved learning outcomes reflected in our data.

St Finn Barr’s Primary School

St Finn Barr’s Primary School, located in Invermay, Launceston, has provided a child-centred education for 125 years. Serving around 300 students, including a significant proportion from low socio-economic, EALD, and humanitarian backgrounds, the school thrives on its diversity. For St Finn Barr’s teachers and ILTP Educators, the journey has been one of continuous reflection and growth. By implementing high expectations, structured classroom norms, and explicit behaviour modelling, St Finn Barr’s teachers aim to foster a culture of success and maximise instructional time. Techniques such as the attention grabber, daily whiteboard reviews, and strategic seating plans have enhanced student engagement and understanding. Notably, these changes have been effective in improving student outcomes, as evidenced by continued growth in PAT Maths and Literacy data, particularly among EALD students. The shift towards explicit teaching and school-wide expectations has not only improved individual practices but has also positively impacted our students’ learning experiences, creating a cohesive and successful school environment.

Please see content from St Finn Barr’s Primary School below:


St Patrick’s College

The St Patrick’s College presentation explores the impact of integrating explicit instruction into Religious Education. By emphasising High Impact Teaching Practice, this approach ensures clarity, consistency, and knowledge acquisition, enabling all students to engage meaningfully with complex religious concepts. This presentation will feature both student and teacher voice. Examples from practice are included and highlight how explicit instruction not only enhances knowledge acquisition but also encourages dialogue and engagement, whereby religious education remains accessible, relevant, and impactful, equipping students with the skills to engage with faith in an informed manner.

Please see content from St Patrick’s College below:


Marist Regional College

Marist Regional College has been participating in the Insight into Learning project since 2023 and now over half of the staff are engaging in intensive professional development involving online modules, practical workshops and instructional coaching. All middle leaders have engaged in CET’s professional learning to increase skills and multiply the effect of influencing implementation of quality teaching practices across all teaching teams in the college. The advent of the updated TRB provisional to full registration process (P2F) provided the college with a multi-purposed opportunity to further embed Science of Learning (SoL) practices, while strengthening teacher inquiry practices and mentoring skills, as well as supporting provisionally registered teachers toward full registration. Four teachers have been asked to share their professional development in this presentation via illustrations of practice and teacher statements about how practising SoL approaches can reshape beliefs about effective teaching when student learning improvement is evidenced. Subjects other than Maths, English, Science and Humanities (MESH) are in focus to demonstrate how SoL practices can be implemented across all subjects.

Please see content from Marist Regional College below:


Mid Term Feedback

Mentor Feedback Menu

Inquiry Question Examples

St Patrick’s Catholic School

In 2024, St Patrick’s Catholic School made significant strides in improving literacy, numeracy, and teacher capacity through high-impact teaching strategies. The introduction of the Science of Learning has enhanced the sequencing of the curriculum, emphasising prior knowledge, spaced practice, explicit instruction, and effective feedback. In English, intervention programs such as MiniLit and InitiaLit, along with Spelling Mastery and The Writing Revolution, have supported at-risk students and improved literacy across the school. In Mathematics, the new Catholic Education Tasmania curriculum aligns with the Australian Curriculum, ensuring consistent, evidence-based teaching. In Religious Education, our Instructional Leader guides teachers in deepening their theological understanding and enhancing instructional practices, with a focus on dialogue to develop students’ moral and social abilities.

Please see content from St Patrick’s Catholic School below:
